gravitational attraction

美 [ˌɡrævɪˈteɪʃənl əˈtrækʃn]英 [ˌɡrævɪˈteɪʃənl əˈtrækʃn]
  • 引力;地球引力
gravitational attractiongravitational attraction


(physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe;especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface
the more remote the body the less the gravity
the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love"--Albert Einstei
Synonym: gravity gravitation gravitational force


  1. Satellites , however , must be closely watched , for they are constantly being tugged at by the gravitational attraction of the sun , moon and earth .


  2. A body subjected to gravitational attraction by the Earth and orbiting the latter according to the law of celestial mechanics must be termed a " celestial body " .


  3. Which of them show the effect of gravitational attraction ?


  4. The gravitational attraction between two objects is affected by intermediary between them .


  5. So , he was able to explain this using his laws for gravitational attraction .


  6. The force of gravitational attraction between two bodies decreASe AS the distance between them increASes .


  7. Gravitational attraction would pull them into a sphere .


  8. If you treble the distance , the gravitational attraction gets nine times weaker .


  9. The components of most double stars are close enough for there to be strong gravitational attraction between them .


  10. Is that causes by gravitational attraction ?


  11. And we have also seen gravitational attraction in space , and I will let you look at your notes for that .


  12. In regions of slower expansion , the gravitational attraction of the matter , would slow down the expansion still further .


  13. The gravitational attraction of the extra matter in those regions , would slow down their expansion , and eventually stop it .


  14. Many asteroids are weakly bound piles of rubble , held together by their own minute gravitational attraction .


  15. But if the field changes or oscillates quickly enough , it produces a gravitational attraction , just like ordinary or dark matter .


  16. One of them is what curl says about force fields and , in particular , a nice consequence of that concerning gravitational attraction .


  17. The dynamics of the Earth-Moon system is quite different from the Sun-Earth system especially after a long duration for the gravitational attraction of the Sun .


  18. It exerts a strong gravitational attraction on anything near it , so that we would have to prevent ourselves from being eaten alive by it .


  19. Tides are caused by gravitational attraction of the sun and moon ; the weather by the motion of atmosphere under the influence of heat from the sun .


  20. It 's the gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets that sustains the planets in elliptical orbits around the sun .


  21. Gravitational attraction is an equivalent expression of the force close to each other between and on the line of the two objects , coming from exchange of momentum between objects and micro-particles .


  22. Physically , the cosmological term would have been unobservable on the scale of our solar system , but it would produce a cosmic repulsion on larger scales that would counteract the gravitational attraction of distant objects .


  23. Its gravitational repulsion would offset galaxies ' gravitational attraction , thereby deadening their motion .
